About Our Services
At Calvary, we desire to have a comprehensive vision for our worship services. What does each service accomplish and how do they work together to disciple and encourage believers? We believe the ministry of the Word (preaching/ teaching) is primary in the church (1 Cor. 1:17a; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 4:2; Acts 6:1-6), and therefore have comprehensive yet distinct purposes for service times.
Sunday AM - Our Sunday morning worship service focuses on worshipping the Lord through singing, prayer, music, Scripture reading, and focused preaching from God’s Word. 1 Peter 5:2 tells pastors to “feed the flock of God.” Sunday mornings will typically be expository preaching series from a book of the Bible. In addition, the gospel will be intentionally preached on Sunday mornings.
Sunday PM - Our Sunday evening service focuses on How God is at work in our church family. We will fellowship worship God through God-centered songs, prayer, testimonies, missionary reports, and a message from God’s Word. Overall, Sunday evenings will be a time for communication concerning the life of the church body.
Wednesdays - Our Wednesday Bible studies will focus on prayer and corporate Bible study. They will include exciting ministries for families, opportunities for members to serve, an evangelistic focus, and growing together in community.