Church Staff
Senior Pastor – Brandon Hamilton
Brandon had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home where he watched his parents serve in full-time ministry. He trusted Jesus Christ as his Savior when He was 10 years old during a Bible class in his Christian school. He responded by faith to the fact that he was a sinner who falls short of the glory of God, but God in His grace allowed Jesus to be the perfect, sinless substitute for him on the cross.
Several years later, when he was 16, the Lord’s call to ministry was made very clear to Brandon. Since that time, the Lord has increased his burden and desire to preach and teach the Word of God. He has a burden to see people place their faith in Christ and build an ever-growing relationship with Him. Brandon completed a Bachelors degree in Youth Ministries in 2010. While in college, Brandon spent one summer counseling at a Christian camp, another summer completing a church internship with an emphasis on youth ministry, served one year as president of the ministerial class, and served one year as a resident assistant. After graduation, Brandon served on Program Staff at a Christian camp for almost four years. Brandon served as a youth pastor in Indiana for 9 years before the Lord called Him to be the lead pastor of Calvary Baptist Church of Smyrna.
Jessica was also raised in a Christian home where she participated with her parents in full-time ministry. She came to trust Christ as her Savior when she was five years old. Jessica has a Bachelors degree in Communication Disorders. During college, she served and counseled at a Christian camp for five summers. Brandon and Jessica met while serving there and were married in August of 2010. The Lord has blessed Brandon and Jessica with three children, Colton (born June 2013), Alaina (born February 2015), and Makayla (born October 2016).
Brandon is burdened to see the truth of God’s Word come to life in the minds and hearts of others. God’s Word is for life. His goal is to disciple others to have a right opinion of the character of God and respond accordingly.
Associate Pastor – Doug Huggins
Pastor Doug grew up in a Lutheran church thinking that his good works would earn him entrance to heaven. At the age of 17, he heard a clear gospel message and placed his trust in Jesus Christ as his Savior. While attending Bible college, he sensed God's leading into full-time vocational ministry. Graduating in 1973 with a B. A. in Bible, God then led him to Faith Baptist Church in Ellenwood, GA where he served as an Associate Pastor for the next 25 years.
It was there that he met his wife, Sheri. She, too attended Bible college, graduating in 1979 with a B. S. in Domestic Arts and Sciences. Following their marriage in 1979, God blessed their home with 7 daughters and she spent the next 28 years home educating each of the girls. Her love for children is reflected in her service as Nursery Coordinator, children's Sunday school teacher, and a public school ministry to children.
In 1999, God opened the door for Pastor Doug and Sheri to come to Calvary to serve as Associate Pastor. God has expanded their family to now include 16 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.
Pastor Doug delights in using his spiritual gift of serving to serve the Lord by serving the senior pastor, as well as the church family in order that spiritual outreach and spiritual growth might be achieved.
Admin Secretary – Ashley Johnston
Ashley had the privilege of growing up at Calvary and in a Christian, full-time ministry home. She trusted Christ as her Savior at the age of 9 and began growing in her walk with Jesus. In her teens she began serving more in the music and outreach ministries of the church where God grew her love and service for Christ and others. In her late teens, Ashley began to help occasionally in the church office and there found a special joy in the many details of practical ministry.
Ashley joined Calvary's staff as part-time secretary in 2016 and in 2021 God opened the door for her to become administrative secretary full-time. One of Ashley's favorite scriptures is Ephesians 6:7 which inspires her to serve others with joy and enthusiasm. Ashley is passionate about practically serving and supporting those in her church and community to experience growth and abundant life in Jesus.
Ministry Helper - Hannah Price
Hannah had the blessing of being raised in a Christian home and the joy of growing up here at Calvary. She was saved at 14 years old when she understood the simplicity of what it meant to put my faith in what Christ did for her, and she trusted Him to be her Savior and Guide through life.
Hannah started on staff at Calvary part-time in 2016 doing housekeeping and casual labor as a church hostess. In 2023 she came on staff full-time.
Hannah’s heart is to support and serve her church family, and be a part of His work here to see people grow in their walk with the Lord and thrive as the body of Christ in being His hands and feet to our surrounding community. The Lord has also laid on her heart a special love and burden for children's ministry. She has taught and worked consistently with children since she was 14 through Vacation Bible Schools, Sunday and Wednesday night children's ministry at Calvary, mission trips, and Bible clubs in public school.
We are a Baptist church northwest of Atlanta, seeking to equip Christians and share the love of Christ with our community!
Our Goals for Spiritual Growth
Worship – Through personal and corporate brokenness over sin; through humbling of self that the Living God may be approached, known and obeyed; through fervent prayer; and through triumphant, melodious, God-centered and Christ-exalting conservative music.
Evangelism – Through personal soul winning, evangelistic preaching, home and foreign missions.
Discipleship – Through equipping the believers through the Bible teaching ministry of Sunday school and special Bible training.