Missions Conference 2024
Yearly conference with guest missionaries to highlight the need for missions around the world.
October 10-13, 2024
2024 Missionaries in: Ecuador, Ivory Coast, & Tennessee
General Conference Schedule:
Thursday, 10/10
Kick-Off Service @ 7PM
Missionary introductions, presentations, Q & A & snacks @ CBC.
Friday, 10/11
Skeet Shoot @ 9AM-12:30PM, Ellinas Farm
608 Hunter Road, Douglasville, GA 30134
Open to anyone 13 yrs old and up. Minors must be accompanied by a parent. Cost is $10 per person. Please bring your own ammunition. Signup at the communion table or at the button above/below. You must RSVP to attend. Have questions? Please contact Scott Stallings (678) 641-3276. Deadline to sign up is October 6th.
Ladies Luncheon @ 11AM-1PM, CBC
Food, Fellowship, Testimonies and Q & A with our missionary wives. RSVP at the communion table or at the button above/below.
Saturday, 10/12
BBQ Picnic at the Ellinas Farm @ 11 AM-4PM
What to bring:
Sides, desserts, & drinks to go with BBQ for your family and some to share.
Lawn chair or blanket
Optional: Frisbees, other outdoor sports
NO pets, please!
BBQ provided by the church. Sign up at the communion table or at the button above/below.
Sunday, 10/13
Faith Promise Sunday, Dinner on the Grounds
Please be in prayer as to what the Lord would have you commit to give to missions in 2025.
COMBINED Sunday School with a Missionary, 9:15AM
10:30 AM Service
Dinner on the Grounds, Noon
Please bring food for your family & some to share.
2:00 PM Service
Volunteers NEEDED
Food Volunteers
Cookies, brownies, & fruit are needed for the Kick-Off event of the missions conference on Thursday evening. A sign-up list is on the communion table or go to the sign-up button above or below. See/contact Jane Haertlein 470-860-4951 with questions.
Set-Up Volunteers
Help set up for Thursday Kick Off, NEXT Sunday evening, 10/6 or Friday, 10/11 @6:30p.
To volunteer go to the sign-up button above or below.